ITA0039 100% Italian Taste Certification by ASACERT, participated as a partner of the Univerde Foundation, in the presentation event of the 11th Report “Italians and agriculture at the time of Covid”, held in Rome on May 18th. The UniVerde Foundation, chaired by the former Minister of Agriculture and the Environment, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, and Noto Sondaggi, in collaboration with Coldiretti and the Campagna Amica Foundation, commemorated the twenty years since the reform of the agricultural world implemented with the orientation and modernization of the agricultural sector (Legislative Decree no. 228 of May 18, 2001), which today restarts in the name of sustainability.
Speeches by Ministers Speranza, Patuanelli, Garavaglia, guests also Maurizio Martina – Deputy Director of FAO, Stefano Vaccari – Director General of CREA, Maria Bianca Farina – President of Poste Italiane.
“Agribusiness – recalled Prandini, President of Coldiretti – has become the first economic reality in the country with a value of 538 billion based on the work of 740 thousand farms committed to protecting the economy, health and the environment. We do not want to stop and we will continue to open up, from renewable energy to agriculture 4.0 to be protagonists of the ecological transition of the recovery plan“.
Farmers have been able to value the opportunities offered by the guidance law. The result is that in the last 15 years the value of these services has more than doubled, going from 6 to 12.5 billion euros per year, representing over 20% of the value of Italian agricultural production (analysis by CREA on Istat data).
Italian agriculture is the greenest in the European Union, this is a fact and ITA0039 is ready to meet the challenges of sustainability and ecological transition, as well as the protection and enhancement of the real Made in Italy in the world.
“This event was an opportunity to relaunch the themes of protecting the quality, authenticity, healthiness and sustainability of Italian agri-food production. With the new APP ITA0039 we provide an additional tool to counter the deplorable phenomenon of Italian Sounding. Protect identity and territorial distinction and defend one of the bastions of Italian value in times of crisis. Thanks to the App, every consumer can interact with our network, which is ready to link, in a single gesture, authentic and certified Italian restaurateurs, certified producers and, of course, consumers in search of healthy and inimitable Italian good food. The consumer, around the shelves, will also be able to unmask fake products with an active reporting system, which will bring direct benefits to each report. Because we are all champions of our inestimable agri-food heritage!“.
An agriculture connected, therefore, to the rediscovery of its extraordinary biodiversity. A reality open to new scenarios, which does not forget its roots, but looks with great attention to innovation and modernization of the sector.
Antonio Noto, Director of Noto Sondaggi, presented the data of the XI Report “Italians and agriculture at the time of Covid”, according to which 83% of Italians know and consider multifunctional agriculture an important sector for the development of Italian economy. Stady is the trend of respondents who buy agricultural products at farmers markets (38%) and farms (38%). Furthermore, the 71% of the interviewees believe that Italian produces are tastier, more genuine (75%, + 9%) and more controlled (70%, + 10%) than those from other countries. The pandemic seems to have revolutionized the priorities of Italians and favored a “country” turning point. that has also changed the plans for the upcoming summer holidays as well as consumption, work, hobbies and housing choices, with a significant rediscovery of the countryside. In particular, there is a boom in food and wine tourism in search of local food specialties, after the long period of restaurant lockdown. If work and family allowed it, 43% of Italians would leave the city to live in the countryside for a better quality of life (78%). During the pandemic, 22% of respondents confirm that they have started buying food online, while 19% already did. A good and genuine perception of the Italian agricultural world, which ITA0039 is ready to defend and spread in its timeless values.