The European Commission has given the green light to a €910 million Italian plan, which complies with EU state aid rules, aimed at supporting agro-industrial development in Italy. This initiative, part of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, promises to have a significant impact on the country’s agricultural sector.

The plan, which will remain active until the end of 2029, is designed to support the growth and resilience of Italy’s agro-industrial system through the facilitation of large strategic and innovative investment projects. Aid will be provided in the form of direct grants and subsidized financing to companies operating in the agricultural sector, which must submit projects aimed at the processing and marketing of agricultural products.

The amount of aid per beneficiary will not exceed 60 percent of eligible costs, and this value will vary according to the size of enterprises and location of projects, with higher rates targeted at small enterprises and those developed in economically disadvantaged areas.

The European Commission has positively evaluated the Italian plan, deeming it necessary and appropriate to stimulate investment in the agricultural sector. It is expected that this initiative will have an incentive effect, as beneficiaries would not have made such investments without public support.

This aid program is in line with the objectives of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy, promoting a smart, competitive, resilient and diversified agricultural sector.
Part of the funds for this plan comes from the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (Rrf), following the Commission’s positive assessment of Italy’s Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Council’s adoption of the plan.

The aid scheme aims to improve market orientation, increase competitiveness and enhance research, technology and digitalization in the Italian agribusiness sector. This support is key to preserving and promoting Italy’s cultural heritage related to agrifood production, countering phenomena such as Italian Sounding.

In an increasingly globalized world, protecting and enhancing the value of Italian agrifood productions is crucial, and in this context, tools such as ITA0039 | 100% Italian Taste Certification and the free ITA0039 app play a key role. These resources allow consumers around the world to verify the authenticity of Italian products and help preserve the richness of Italian culinary traditions.

ITA0039, with its mission to defend and promote Italy’s agrifood heritage around the world, continues to actively work toward this goal.

At a time when sustainability and the enhancement of food traditions are becoming increasingly important, the European Union’s financial support for Italian agribusiness is a significant step toward protecting and growing this vital sector.